Tuesday, March 17, 2015

RFL Plastics Ltd.

RFL Plastics Ltd. started out with simple everyday household plastic objects, their main competition being from the non-brand plastic manufacturers in the market. At that time, there were no brands manufacturing plastic goods. Hence it was comparatively new for consumers to consider a brand in this category for just household objects. Hence, RFL did not only have to penetrate the market but also attract consumers towards them.  Arriving on the challenge lying ahead, RFL devised intensive marketing communication to gain consumers’ attention, which proved to be effective.
Today RFL have come a long way since their inception, ruling over 70% of the market share. RFL has truly entered consumers’ minds and convinced them about RFL’s quality. But just having quality product is not enough in this competitive market. What really makes the difference is how a company reaches the target market and informs them about the brand. And for that, RFL uses a wide range of marketing communication tools to commute the consumers about their products, which have been discussed below.

RFL implements mass marketing which includes TVC as well. These TVCs are produced according to feature based rational appeals; the main USP (Unique Selling Proposition) being strength and durability of the products. Most of their TVCs are made with this USP and inherent drama as the focal points of the advertisement, contributing to the major selling idea. Semiotics are used accordingly to make the advertisements lively and entertaining. RFL’s TVCs are executed following the combination of slice of life, dramatization, and humor styles. These ads are even aired on leading Indian channels based on the TRP rates.

The latest campaign for the Unique Bucket is a pure dramatization styled TVC that delivers the message of the immense strength and durability of the product, with actor Omar Sani adding extra points to selective attention, as the main character. The campaign had the same concept for radio advertisement as well. RFL TVCs are mostly humorous and relatable for the consumers, leading to selective attention and retention.

Various print ads that are USP and feature centred as well, including some teasers for the ad.

An active page is run on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/RFLPlastics) as part of their interactive marketing, with trending and relevant posts running actively. Alongside, they also have a website where consumers can look them up and find information about the brand. RFL introduced an online store during DITF for consumers to surf and shop their products alongside the numerous Best Buy outlets throughout Bangladesh.

RFL caters direct marketing to the loyal consumers who buy in bulk. RFL sends them mail or emails to inform about the new products and designs. RFL website (http://www.rflplastics.com/) provides catalogues as well.

The DITF 2015 had extravagant RFL stalls enhancing sales with the lucrative 20% discount. Currently, at the Chittagong Trade fair, consumers are obtaining 10% discount as sales promotion. 

RFL incorporates a good relation with consumers via various PR (public relation) practices including running a reality competition RFL Homemaker of The Year, targeted to housewives, the major consumers of its products. The success of the show is shown through the many seasons followed. RFL also hosted RFL Inspiring Women Award. 

Continuing its seasonal ads, RFL wishes consumers on occasions ranging from International Women's Day to Eid or Christmas or Durga Puja. The facebook page even consists of posts focusing more on women- the major customers. Besides these, RFL was one of the partners for Star Parivar Awards, contributing to the development of stronger image among consumers. 

RFL even produced ads emphasizing and displaying the augmented benefit of using plastic chair and tables as it saves trees. They brought out ads focusing on the environment as well. RFL even won the Best Brand of Bangladesh Award, adding more to the good light.


Even though RFL have come a long way, they would reach an even stronger bond with consumers if they implemented transformational advertisements executed with emotional appeals. As the brand has been quite established now, it could introduce a belief among consumers to associate with the brand. This would be more useful as feature and benefit based positioning can be copied with time easily by competitors; hence, value based positioning would be more promising.


 About Us. (n. d.). Retrieved from http://www.rflplastics.com/

Advertising Archive Bangladesh. (2014, December 15). RFL SWR Pipe TVC সবাই কেন তোর মতো হয় না [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkgz9yaBzsE&feature=share

Advertising Archive Bangladesh. (2014, December 31). RFL Plastic Chair TVC বৃক্ষ তুমি বেঁচে থাকো [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnlJuNshIws&feature=share

Bangladeshi TVC (2014, December 23). Rfl unique bucket tvc [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuvaISzpHNw

Rahman, A. (2014, November, 4). Rfl plastics ltd. [Web Log Post]. Retrieved from http://arakash.blogspot.com/2014/11/rfl-plastics-ltd.html

RFL Plastics. [ca. 2015] In Facebook [Fan page]. Retrieved March 16, 2015, from https://www.facebook.com/RFLPlastics

ShareAndCare (2013, December 23). RFL Home maker of the year 2013 chittagong zonal promo [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Kf7S8sw0a4