In this ever so competitive era, brands are having a real tough time trying to get a hold of a little piece of the consumers' minds. New companies launch new products ever so frequently which leads to further more brands for the consumers to choose from in order to satisfy their needs. Moreover, the ratio of needs compared to the number of product options available to satisfy those needs is much lower. To add to this, the development of technology has enabled consumers to have access to all the options available to them and relevant information at the palm of their hands. This is where brand elements come in; brand elements help to build brand equity so that consumers choose a brand over the others. Now, talking about the market of Bangladesh, many brands are competing in the beverage industry. Competing against international brands like CocaCola, Pepsi, etc. MOJO, a product of Akij Food and Beverages Limited (AFBL), has shown a commendable performance by being the number one local beverage brand in this industry. It will not be wrong to say that the correct strategizing of brand elements has played a vital role in this.
Brand Name
To infuse awareness, positive attitude towards the brand, and a strong, favorable & unique association with the brand, MOJO has used offensive strategy to build its brand equity. The name MOJO is derived from the Bengali word “moja”. As the brand name is short, simple, easy to pronounce and remember, unique and interesting, the consumers can easily relate it to the notion of fun which creates more awareness for the brand and also ensures recall, word of mouth (WOM) and association. On the other hand, the brand name MOJO is flexible and legally protected, thus implementing defensive strategy to leverage brand equity.
The logo, simple, verbal and creative, includes the brand name itself with a context of city life, representing the brand and helping urban youth to relate to, recall and recognize the brand; vibrant colors including red in abundant ensures attention and gives off the energetic, fun and lively vibe to the brand just like its personality.
Evolution of MOJO's logo over time |
Communications displaying the fun youth oriented personality of MOJO |
MOJO uses a short fascinating tagline of “ontore ontore” meaning the idea is to reside in hearts. The current campaign “Ontor is ON” has received huge response as it not only uses another brand element, a jingle, which is very catchy and enjoyable, but also the slogan “Ontor is ON” is very interesting and can be easily used in various casual conversations as promoted by the campaign. The lively jingle ensures enhanced brand awareness, attention and identification.
Casual usage of the slogan |
The catchy jingle can be set as cell tunes |
MOJO has introduced a new packaging design which is more handy but somewhat falls in the mainstream bottle designs; so, it is functional, but low on aesthetic dimensions.
MOJO incorporates most of the notion of brand elements successfully, however, it would only add to the brand equity if the packaging could be more aesthetic and uniquely identifiable. The word MOJO could have other offensive meanings in various cultures, hence should be made transferable across borders. Also, introduction of an animated brand character with human characteristics, positive looks, and a story of its own, would further enhance the brand equity and resonance, taking MOJO to higher heights.
Advertising Archive Bangladesh. (2015, June 1). Mojo tvc bamboo is on [Video File]. Retrieved from
Mojo. [ca. 2015] In Facebook [Fan page]. Retrieved June 12, 2015, from
Product & specification. (n.d.). Retrieved from